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The castle

In 1775, Ignaz von Biber built the first building of Munsbach Castle in the Baroque style, and since then the castle has changed owners several times. In 1878, Jules the Younger, then a Belgian minister, bought the castle and had the two towers added, and in 1927 sold it to the Zender-Angelsberg family, who operated a distillery there, and in 1943 sold it to Gauleiter Gustav Simon, who modified it into an orphanage. After the war, the castle was taken over by the Luxembourg state and the hospice of Rumm ran the orphanage. After 1979, the Institute of Europe, the European University Foundation and the International University Institute were successively active here until the Ministry of Education used the building for some of its services - now the main building is occupied by the CDSE, which is the Competence Center for Social-Emotional Development and honestly we hope to be here for many years to come.

The mindfulness path

The CDSE’s Mindfulness Path in the park of Münsbach Castle invites its visitors to consciously experience every moment free of judgment, to try new things, and to discover the park with all of their senses. Explanatory panels and meditations (in 4 different languages) encourage visitors to enjoy mindfulness exercises at nine different stations.

Using a smartphone to scan the QR-code on the signs will direct you to 8 different audio files for meditations.

The park is open to the public at all times and visitors are encouraged to transpose themselves into the "here and now", to strengthen their socio-emotional competencies, and to recharge their batteries. The park is barrier-free and accessible to both the elderly and families with children. For people with a visual impairment, there is a special audio guide that describes the path to them. Markings on the ground, which are easily identifiable with a white cane, announce each station. This ensures that visually impaired people are able to visit the mindfulness path both accompanied by someone else or by themselves if they wish to do so. Dogs are also allowed.

Upon request, depending on availability, a member of the CDSE staff may provide a guided tour free of charge. For this tour, we can also offer light assistance to people with disabilities if needed.

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